

Stay updated with the latest Press-news!

If you want to be updated with the latest GROEZROCK PRESS news, leave your e-mail address at the Press Newsletter box at the bottomĀ on this page.

How to get a press pass?

Leave your e-mail address at the Press Newsletter box on this page and you will know ASAP when the form will be online. No need to send us e-mails about it.

Our application for press and photo passes isĀ online.

A valid motivation is required. No need contacting us directly: those e-mails will be deleted immediately. Thank you for your patience.

What about interviews?

We don't make arrangements with the bands and hand out their contacts. Once you're accreditated you can reach out to Thomas @ for getting organised with your interviews.

What about taking pictures?

Photographers are allowed to take pictures front stage during the first 3 songs. You need a photo pass.

The Latest News?

The latest news can be found at: or FACEBOOK:

Press packages/info

  • Before you fill in the press-form, be aware: Those who are promoting GROEZROCK before the festival is happening have more luck in getting approved.
  • At the press area a separate space is reserved for interviews.
  • You can use free WiFi at the press area.
  • Inside the press area there are lockers as well.
  • Banners, web flyers, Logos, graphical elements, ads... are available here.

GROEZROCK 2019 Press Registration Form

Press Registration Form will not be online before 16/03/2019. REGISTER HERE

Press subscribtion

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